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Welcome to Control Union Philippines

Control Union Philippines

    The proof to your promise

    Your testing, inspection and certification journey starts here

    Control Union Philippines, a proud member of the global Control Union group since 2009, is your one-stop shop for certifications, commodity inspections, industrial inspections, and laboratory testing.

    Explore our range of sustainable solutions, navigating agriculture’s complexities for food, feed, forestry, biomass, bioenergy, social compliance, textiles markets, and sustainable tourism. With a presence in over 80 countries, our local auditing and inspecting capabilities save customers time, cost, and energy in the global marketplace.

    Our services



    Control Union Certifications focuses on sustainable agriculture supply chains for food, feed, forestry, biomass, bioenergy, social compliance, and textiles. With a presence in 80+ countries, they manage global marketplace challenges.
    Maritime Services (VPC)

    Maritime Services (VPC)

    VPC is part of the Control Union network and offers vessel compliance and performance solutions to shipping worldwide. VPC helps seagoing ships comply with the newest sustainability regulations and improve fuel performance.
    Inspection Services

    Inspection Services

    We conduct a wide range of inspection services: from commodity inspections and industrial inspections to collateral services. Our global reach and local knowledge guarantee uniformity and consistency in the high quality of our services.
    Testing Services

    Testing Services

    We are not only highly experienced in chemical analysis, but also in microbiological analysis, real-time PCR and DNA analysis. Have your goods tested and analyzed quickly, objectively, safely and securely.
    Collateral management

    Collateral management

    Our Collateral Services combine our expertise in risk management and assessment with the latest technologies to provide efficient and innovative solutions for minimizing risks and improving productivity.

    Brochures / flyers

    Control Union Philippines Company profile

    Philippine National Standard (PNS) flyer

    Textile brochure

    Food Safety brochure

    Control Union Inspections brochure

    PPRS – Plastic Pollution Reduction Standard brochure

    Sustainable Tourism

    Social Programs brochures

    Maya on top of grass

    Assuring excellence, delivering proof. Your promise verified through certification, analysis and inspection expertise

    Bulk and break-bulk cargo clearance enhancement program

    Since 2022, Control Union Philippines is accredited by the Committee for Accreditation of Cargo Surveying Companies (CACSC). This allows Control Union offices worldwide to inspect bulk and break-bulk cargo at the load port destined for the Philippines.

    Connect for timely report issuance, ensuring advance clearance of goods. Contact us now
    Bulk & Break Bulk Cargo Clearance Enhancement Program


    Agriculture Auditor vacancy

    An exciting opportunity has arisen at Certifications at Taguig and Davao, Philippines for AGRICULTURE AUDITOR.


    How can we help you?

    Are you looking for a certain service, do you have any questions or do you want to apply for the certification program? Let us know. At Control Union Philippines we’re glad to be of help.

    Taguig City

    Cebu City

    Davao City