
GGL – Green Gold Label

The Green Gold Label scheme is designed to provide assurances that sourced biomass products are from a sustainable source. Control Union Certifications BV is accredited by RVA for this scheme under registration nr. RvA-C412 Products.

GGL – Green Gold Label
    Green Gold Label scheme

    About the scheme

    The scheme takes both the origin (forest management or agricultural) and the supply chain information (energy and carbon) into account. It is also aligned with national regulations for sourcing sustainable biomass such as the Dutch Stimulation of Sustainable Energy Production program.

    Specific standards are applicable

    The Green Gold Label scheme relies on a unique track record as one of the earliest biomass certification schemes and is applied worldwide. The GGL standard covers a wide range of different areas and scopes. Specific standards are applicable depending on the exact nature your business, such as:

    • Chain of custody

    • Forest management sources

    • Agricultural sources

    • Generators/utilities (the energy producers)

    Energy and carbon data

    The GGL standards also cover energy and carbon data that must be provided throughout the supply chain. Transaction certificates are issued for transactions between GGL certified companies in the supply chain


    GGL audits are carried out annually. Control Union Certifications (CUC) is accredited by the RvA (Dutch Accreditation Council) for the GGL scheme. CUC has certified companies across the globe against the scheme’s requirements. Control Union Certifications BV is accredited by RVA for this scheme under registration nr. RvA-C412 Products.

    More information about Green Gold Label

    How you benefit

    The benefits of getting certified by Control Union

    • Green Gold Label is known as the global certificate for sustainable biomass. More than seven million tons of biomass have been certified with the Green Gold Label in 14 years and it continues to support the development of sustainable biomass for energy, power production and chemicals

    • As an accredited certification body, Control Union can perform certification audits around the globe for producers and traders

    • GGL certification enables you to demonstrate, as a biomass producer, trader, supplier or generator, that you are able to meet client needs for sustainability assurance, timber origin documentation and product information

    Agriculture farming

    How can we help you?

    Are you looking for a certain service or do you have any questions about the certification program? Let us know. We’re glad to be of help.