
Ocean Bound Plastic certification

Ocean Bound Plastic (OBP) is abandoned plastic waste on its way to our oceans. OBP is a critical element in the fight against oceanic plastic pollution.

Turtle Plastic
    About the Ocean Bound Plastic certification

    OBP Certification

    It is estimated that 80% of the oceans’ plastic contamination originated from land. Focusing on capturing OBP before it becomes ocean plastic is therefore a direct and very effective way to limit the damage our oceans are suffering. The goal of this certification is to encourage the capture of OBP by giving it additional value and recognition in the market.

    OBP collection categories in the scope are as follows:

    1. Potential
    2. Shoreline
    3. Waterways
    4. Fishing Materials
    Type of certifications

    Control Union can provide the certification for:

    As an Organization working with OBP, you need to guarantee that your products truly are, or originate from OBP. You also require passing this guarantee onto the end user by proving proof of origin. This is all accomplished via the Ocean Bound Plastic Certification Program.

    Organizations collecting recyclable OBP in the environment

    Organizations in the plastic recycling value chain up to the fabrication of plastic packaging and consumer products

    Organizations collecting non-commercially recyclable OBP in the environment and proving services to offset plastic footprint

    Organizations willing to offset their plastic footprint

    OBP registry of certified clients

    Updated list (from (30th June 2024) of certified clients for Ocean Bound Plastic.

    Download OBP project summary

    Read more about Zero Plastic Oceans

    The certification of the amount of OBP you have prevented supports your environmental claims and ESG certifications and rating. It also backs up your neutrality towards Ocean Plastic Contamination or even better your global plastic neutrality. The certification was co-developed by Peterson and the NGO Zero Plastic Oceans.

    Zero Plastic Oceans

    How you benefit

    Getting certified under the OBP Certification allows you to:

    • Access higher value markets and environmentally conscious consumers

    • Be a proactive actor of oceans’ protection and preserve biodiversity

    • Have a positive social impact generating livelihood creation within vulnerable communities

    Our Ocean Bound Plastic certification process

    Getting certified in 5 steps

    Getting certified for the Ocean Bound Plastic certification will require the following steps:

    Select the right standard

    As Control Union we offer four different standards; Collection organisation Standard, Recycling organisation Standard, Neutralization Service provider standard and Plastic Producers & Users standard.

    Review the Standard and related document

    Once you review the standard and select applicable standard for you, contact us to initiate the contracting process. You will be provided with an application form, and we expect sufficient and accurate information shall be provided to us.

    Contracting and audit planning

    Once we received the application form, we send you an proposal for getting certified. Agreements and contract will be signed with you considering ethical business practices and CU’s code of conduct requirement. When the contacting process is completed, our local team will approach you for scheduling the audit and plan the audit activities. We keep minimum 14 days between the audit date and audit date confirmation. Based on your availability and our auditor’s availability the audit date will be confirmed.

    Audit execution

    The audit will be executed as per the date and schedule confirmed between both parties. The Auditor will perform the audit independently based on the requirements set in the standards, protocol and CUIR. The auditor will confirm and share the result of audit when the audit is completed with you and certifier.


    Based on the report of the auditor, findings and outcome , the certification decision will be taken. You will be awarded with a certificate when the audit is successfully completed. Facility details will be updated on the Ocean Bound Plastic website and Control Union website under “certified facilities”.

    Certification textile

    How can we help you?

    Do you have any questions, are you looking for a certain service or do you want to apply for a textile certification program? Contact us now so we can help you!