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RWS – Responsible Wool Standard

The Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) provides an opportunity for farmers to demonstrate their best practices to the public, and a means for brands and consumers to have the certainty that the wool products they buy and sell are in line with their values. Control Union Certifications BV is accredited by SLAB for this scheme under registration nr. CP 004-01.

Apply now for the RWS standard
    About the standard

    Responsible Wool Standard

    The RWS is a voluntary global standard that addresses the welfare of sheep and of the land they graze on. The RWS provides verification of the practices that are happening at farm level, giving brands a clear solution that will allow them to make claims about their wool sourcing with confidence.




    The standard was developed by an international working group through an open and transparent process. Control Union was involved in the standard development from the very beginning as a member of the technical group. CU carried out RWS audits all over the world. Control Union Certifications BV is accredited by SLAB for this scheme under registration nr. CP 004-01.

    Learn more about the standard
    RWS Standard

    How you benefit

    The RWS provides verification of the practices that are happening at farm level, giving brands a clear solution that will allow them to make claims about their wool sourcing with confidence.

    Apply now for the RWS standard – farm level

    The RWS is intended to be used by farmers involved in the production of wool from sheep and companies buying and selling products intended to contain RWS certified wool.


    How can we help you?

    Do you have any questions, are you looking for a certain service or do you want to apply for a textile certification program? Contact us now so we can help you!