SRCCS – Sustainable Regenerated Cellulosics Content Standard
Sustainable Regenerated Cellulosics Content Standard (SRCCS) formerly recognized as Sustainable Viscose Chain of Custody Standard (SVCOC), was initially crafted by Control Union Certifications (CUC) in 2020, with collaborative backing from the renowned global brand C&A.

Sustainable Regenerated Cellulosics Content Standard
The primary objective of SRCCS is to meticulously trace the origin of Man-Made Cellulosic Fibers (MMCF), ensuring it is derived from sustainably managed forests, consciously sourced textile post-consumer waste and Plant based agro-residue inputs.
About the standard
The SRCCS standard is a globally acknowledged, voluntary, and all-encompassing product standard. It sets forth the benchmarks for third-party authentication of Sustainable Regenerated Cellulosics Fiber Content, Chain of Custody, Social and Environmental practices, risk assessment and safe Chemical management practices. The primary goal of SRCCS is to encourage the extensive uptake/promotion of sustainable regenerated Cellulosics fibers into diverse products, thereby aiding in the mitigation of environmental impacts.

Man-made cellulosic fibers
This program has been developed to address the increasing demands within the supply chain for enhanced transparency, integrity, and visibility of sustainable regenerated cellulosic fibers, more commonly known as man-made cellulosic fibers. The SRCCS standard is used for chain of custody verification for materials originating from responsibly managed forest wood cellulosic pulp, consciously sourced textile post-consumer waste cellulosic pulp and plant-based agroresidue cellulosic pulp. The standard is used to certify the content of sustainable Regenerated Cellulosic Fibers, from the first processing unit to the final product – ensuring social, chemical, and environmentally sustainable production process.
A future of fashion and forests
Everything you need to know about the standard SRCCS (Sustainable Regenerated Cellulosics Content Standard). SRCCS Version 3.1, Feb 2024
SRCCS Standard V3.1
The goal of the SRCCS standard
The goal of the standard is to increase adoption of sustainable cellulosics based pulp materials as an input at the fiber manufacturing stage and assure supply chains a trusted claim to market Sustainable regenerated cellulosics material in the finished product.

The benefits of getting certified by Control Union
How you benefit
Products that are made from wood pulp sourced from responsibly managed forests
Products that can trace input feed stock originating from textile post-consumer waste
Products that have been manufactured ensuring social compliance at each stage of production
Products that have been manufactured using safe Chemicals
Products ensuring trusted user of air, land, water and energy user that helps create a lower carbon future
Supply chains that our customers trust

How can we help you?
Do you have any questions, are you looking for a certain service or do you want to apply for a textile certification program? Contact us now so we can help you!