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Aquaculture and fisheries

    Aquaculture and fisheries industry

    Global presence

    The fishing industry is struggling with environmental and welfare issues, including overfishing and occupational safety. Additionally, climate change, biodiversity loss and overfishing endanger the livelihoods and food security of a large group of people depending on this business.
    The fisheries and aquaculture industry becomes more sustainable with certification programs such as MSC and ASC. Control Union Certifications contributes and assists globally.

    In 2016, Control Union acquired a shareholding in MacAlister Elliott and Partners (MEP), a leading fisheries and aquaculture consultancy with over 40 years experience. We completed projects on every major continent and our staff work on a huge variety of projects, in both the fisheries and aquaculture sectors, with particular focus in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Read more about the transformation of the fishing industry [article].

    Our services include

    With the acquisition in 2016 from “ME Certification” (MEC), the largest UK based MSC Chain Of Custody certification, and MSC fisheries provider, our position grew enormously.

    • MSC Fisheries Assessments

    • MSC Chain of Custody

    • ASC Chain of Custody

    • Auditing services

    The way we work

    We have developed a niche for the completion of feasibility and due diligence projects within both the fishing and aquaculture industries. However, this commercial aspect has not stopped us completing biological and analytical projects including large tuna tagging programs in the IOTC region and observer programs across the globe. We work with a large variety of stakeholders, from scientists and commercial organizations right through to the individual fisher folk, who fish simply to feed their family.

    Aquaculture and Fisheries_1


    Control Union Certifications focuses on sustainable agriculture supply chains for food, feed, forestry, biomass, bioenergy, social compliance, and textiles. With a presence in 80+ countries, they manage global marketplace challenges.

    Our certification services

    Control Union delivers quality inspections for asset owners globally, with local knowledge for uniform and consistent services. Efficient planning and clear reporting are key.

    Administrative checks

    Administrative checks

    Transaction certificates, invoice declarations, incoming and outgoing goods, mass balance, segregation, supplier assessments and internal assessments, all require administrative checks.
    Ballast water systems

    Ballast water systems

    Control Union Certifications is a US Coast Guard-accepted Independent Laboratory (IL) for testing of BWMS in accordance with 46 CFR 162.060.
    Due diligence

    Due diligence

    Several governments have implemented regulations, forcing importers to have a Due Diligence System (DDS) in place. Control Union Certifications has the knowledge and network to support companies with the implementation.
    FSMA readiness

    FSMA readiness

    Control Union can assist your business in achieving and maintaining regulatory compliance with the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).
    Reporting, tracking and tracing

    Reporting, tracking and tracing

    Control Union Certifications registers all relevant data during a certification process, including the name of employee involved as well as the process behind any decision that was made.
    Sampling and sealing

    Sampling and sealing

    Control Union can take samples and securely seal them in such a way that they cannot become contaminated with other substances that could influence the results of any laboratory analysis.
    Supply auditing

    Supply auditing

    Control Union Certifications has a large network of auditors around the world, who are familiar with the production/processing requirements in the country of origin.
    Training and development

    Training and development

    Control Union Academy offers training, webinars, offline and online sessions to support you in your certification updates. Stay informed and up to date.