Sustainability Reporting Assurance Service (ESG)
What is Sustainability Report Assurance
A sustainability report (ESG report) is a comprehensive document that organizations use to communicate with stakeholders. It outlines the implementation of sustainability management tasks identified through materiality assessments, evaluates the impacts of these actions on both the company and society, and establishes new sustainability management plans.
Control Union Korea, as an AA1000AS Licensed Provider accredited by AccountAbility, offers sustainability report assurance services in accordance with the principles and standards of AccountAbility through its approved auditors (ACASP: Associate Certified Sustainability Assurance Practitioner).
Disclosure and Third-Party Assurance of Sustainability Reports

AccountAbility Principles

Types and Levels of AA1000AS v3 Engagement

Control Union Korea’s Expertise

How can I help you?
Are you looking for a assurance service, or do you have any questions about it? Feel free to contact us and we will respond to your questions.