Industrial Inspections

Inspection Services

Wide range of quality services

Tailor-made inspections

Reducing risks by inspecting and managing quantity, quality and other requirements.

Control Union conducts a wide range of inspection services from commodity inspections, technical and industrial inspections to collateral services. Our global reach and local knowledge guarantee uniformity and consistency in the high quality of our services. Our approach allows us to plan and execute services efficiently, with a focus on the clear and timely reporting of key information.

Why Control Union

Reliable, flexible and innovative

We have always supported and trusted technological innovation and regularly use it in our services

We are the industry leader in the industrial inspections market and our clients identify with our success. Our core values make us exemplary: we value tradition and project clear vision, determination, order and structure. The Control Union brand encapsulates quality by ensuring its clients obtain and maintain control over their assets.

We have dedicated industrial inspection offices in all major regions, with coverage in 80 countries around the world. We are a flexible and independent partner, ready to go wherever you are. Our global experience ensures we can guide you in compliance with local legislation and regulations.

We are non-listed, family-owned and not connected to any manufacturer, supplier or insurer. This enables us to focus on the long term and be a trustworthy and reliable partner for our staff, our suppliers and our customers.

child field agriculture regenagri

Launching partnership to foster sustainable agriculture

Explore the case
Pipeline and pipe rack of petroleum, chemical, hydrogen or ammonia industrial plant. Industrial zone Close up.

How can we help you?

Are you looking for a certain service or do you have any questions about the certification program? Let us know. We’re glad to be of help.