GMP+/FSA and GMP+/FRA certification
Control Union Certifications offers several feed safety certifications, including GMP+ FSA for Feed Safety Assurance, GMP+ FRA for Feed Responsible Assurance, Good Trading Practices (GTP) and secure feed audits.

GMP+ certification
About the certification
The main feed safety certification program, GMP+ FSA, is based on ISO requirements with the integration of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) and specific GMP+ monitoring requirements.
The GMP+ certification scheme defines conditions relating to production facilities as well as for storage, transport, trade and monitoring activities. This approach guarantees control throughout the whole feed chain to produce to the highest standards.
Control Union Certifications also offers GMP+ FRA, and EFISC-GTP auditing. Combining audits for feed and food safety reduces duplication of work and time.
How you benefit
The GMP+ certification is the world’s largest scheme for safe and sustainable feed. The requirements of the scheme cover the complete feed chain from collection and transport to production, because a chain is as strong as its weakest link. GMP+ certification provides a framework to:
Identify the essential principles of hygiene that apply throughout the feed chain
Provides guidance and support on how to implement these principles
Apply industry best practice with integrated HACCP, and a standard based on ISO 22000 standards
Be compatible with local and (intern)national legislation, and where legislation is less strict or absent then the scheme must still be followed

How can we help you?
Are you looking for a certain service or do you have any questions about the certification program? Let us know. We’re glad to be of help.