
Korea Organic Programs

Control Union Certifications is accredited by the NAQS (National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service) for worldwide certification activities related to agricultural products, processed foods and feeds (Certification body number 62).

Korea Organic Programs
    Korea Organic Program

    About the program

    In 2013, the EFAPA and FIPA were integrated into one act called ‘The Act on Promotion Eco-Friendly Agriculture and Management and Assistance of Organic Foods, etc.’ for preserving the agricultural ecology by not using/minimising the use of synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilisers, etc. and promoting the supply of organic processed foods.

    The main principle of organic agriculture is the production of healthy food from balanced and fertile soil. During production and processing, organic and non-organic products must be separated and contamination with prohibited substances (mainly syntheticsand non-certified products) must be prevented. The production and processing of organic products need to be inspected by an accredited and independent third party, according to the inspection system laid down in the regulations.


    Control Union Certifications is accredited by the NAQS (National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service) for worldwide certification activities related to agricultural products, processed foods and feeds (Certification body number 62).

    Korea Organic Agriculture

    Equivalence agreement for processed foods

    For processed foods, there has been an equivalence agreement between Korea and the USA since 1 July 2014 and between Korea and the EU since 1 February 2015. Accordingly, these countries accept each other’s organic systems, making it possible to export food products as organic without the need for additional certification. Specific conditions may apply for labelling.

    How you benefit

    Control Union Certifications is accredited by:

    We offer a wide range of certification programs, some linked to organic certifications. Our global network makes certification more efficient and cost effective, whilst standardising auditing and certification.

    • Dutch Council for Accreditation (RVA) and United States Department of Agriculture

    • EU Commission and Switzerland have listed CUC as an equivalent certification body in several countries outside of the EU.

    • Import to the EU can only be done with an Certificate Of Inspection (COI) issued by an EU listed certification body

    • Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

    • National Program for Organic Production, India

    Rights and Obligations of Certified Business Operators

    <Rights of Certified Business Operators>

    • The right to use the certification mark.
    • The right to receive certification training.
    • The right to receive information about certification standards and other related details.
    • The right to seek compensation in the event of negligence by the certification body.
    • The right to have personal data protected.
    • The right to access documents.
    • The right to be informed about renewal applications.
    • The right to challenge administrative actions or decisions.
    • The right to receive information regarding the cancellation of KO certified input materials.

    <Obligations of Certified Business Operators>

    • The obligation to comply with certification standards.
    • The obligation to submit annual certification product shipment volumes.
    • The obligation to maintain business records and store them as required.
    • The obligation to follow legitimate correction requests from the National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service (NAQS) and certification bodies.
    • The obligation to verify the presence of allowed substances.
    Korea food contact

    How can we help you?

    Are you looking for a certain service or do you have any questions about the certification program? Let us know. We’re glad to be of help.