Organic agriculture

Organic farming is a way of producing food that respects natural life cycles. It minimises the human impact on the environment and operates as naturally as possible without using genetically modified organisms (GMO).

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Our expertise

Organic certifications

Since the beginning of regulated organic certification, Control Union has served companies all over the world. Our global bases, under the umbrella of the accredited Dutch head office, allows us to make certification efficient and cost effective, whilst upholding the same stringent procedures.

Organic farming

Organic farming is part of an extensive supply chain, which also includes food processing, distribution and retailing. To reach the organic markets, the whole chain of organic production needs to be inspected and certified. Should all requirements be fulfilled, the certificate can be issued and the organic logo can be used on the certified products.

AB – Agriculture Biologique France

COR – Canada Organic Regime

The Canada Organic Regime refers to the organic certification system outlined in Part 13 of the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations. We offer services for various types of certifications: Crop production, Grower group certification, Livestock Feed, Livestock production, Processed products, Aquaculture, and specialized areas such as Apiculture, Greenhouse crops, and Wild crops. Our services extend to countries like Canada, Peru, and Vietnam.

CU Inspections & Certifications India Pvt Ltd is accredited by IOAS for the scope of product certification. Contract Number: 81.

Click here for more info about our accreditation by IOAS for the scope of product certification
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